Member of the month

Sandra's Awesome Story

Sandra Hunt


I started CrossFit after my Chiropractor suggested that the wonderful flexibility I had enjoyed my entire life would soon become a curse unless I took measures to stabilize my joints. His suggestion was weight lifting and CrossFit seemed like a perfect transition.

To be honest, I really wasn’t a fan initially. I was frustrated with the complexity and having to learn a new language (seriously why don’t they call a “power clean” a clean from the ground???). My solution was to stand at the front of the class so that I could hear and see everything. Once I became more familiar with the moves, my love for the sport has grown. The best part however is my CrossFit family. They truly make our class the best hour of my day and I miss them on the days I am not at the gym. 

My first brightspot was toes to bar they were a big thrill.

“Winter is coming”…..and so is Murphy. I want to start focusing on more cardio to help get me through the hero workouts that seem to pop up every long weekend over the summer.

My favourite Degree memory is any morning class when we get laughing.  It is the perfect start to the day!

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