Member of the month

Corbin's Story

Corbin Marshall


Meet your Member of the Month - Youth Athlete, Corbin!

Corbin is an integral part, and a hard working member of our Youth Athlete Program. He is consistent, respectful, funny and one of the hardest working Teen's we know. Coach Matt is proud of Corbin and cannot wait to see what this guy will achieve!


What brought you to the Youth Training Program in the first place?

"I wanted to be with my brother more and take of myself. I always heard how fun it was from Cohen, and I decided I wanted to be a part of it."

What was your first impression? How has it changed?

"I was intimidated by all the equipment and the prospect of becoming fit. At this point, I love Tuesdays! I can't wait to learn and be a happier, stronger self. I was blown away at how personable and wonderful the Staff are!"

What was your first Bright Spot?

"When I was told by Matt (our awesome Trainer!) that once I got technique down I'd be lfiting some significant weight!

What are you working on now?

"I am working to feel comfortable in my body and working hard to get there. The direction from Matt has changed how I do fitness at school and how I lift at work."

What is your favourite Degree memory?

"Moving up in weight before the other sin the group despite there being such a short time. 


I have full trust in Degree CrossFit to put any young person on the right track no matter their gym experience!"

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