Member of the month

Super Strong Colleen

Colleen Ungarian


Meet Colleen!

Colleen is one of our amazing 1-1 training clients. She came to Degree looking to improve her overall health, and she's never missed a beat since! Her consistency is second to none, and even when life gets busy, she's able to stick the course and not let anything stop her. From increasing her strength, stamina and flexibility, Colleen is a rockstar! Check out her story below!

What brought you to Degree in the first place?

- I needed to do something to improve my health. I saw what the future could e if I didn't do something and it wasn't good.

What was your first impression? How has it changed?

- Everyone was so friendly and I didn't feel out of place because of my fitness level.

What was your first "Bright Spot"?

My confidence in holding a plank without dying, lol! As well, I saw a picture from a year ago and what a difference in my face from then! You don't always see the changes day to day, but this picture showed them. 

What are you working on now?

- Just keeping going

What is your advice for someone thinking about starting?

- I should have started earlier so don't wait. Just do it!

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