Member Policies
Monthly Memberships
Group Training, Online/In Person/Virtual Personal Training & Nutrition memberships are on-going, monthly memberships that are charged to your account on the same day every month. The day is based on the day that you originally signed up (ie, if you started your membership on the 7th, then it will renew on the 7th of every month.)
All on-going, monthly memberships are on a ‘per month’ basis (ie. 12X/month). This means that if your membership starts on the 10th of the month, you will have 12 classes to use by the next month on the 9th. Classes do not roll over to another month.
All Personal Training Programs (in person and online) are also monthly memberships and are charged to your account on the same day every month, or, when all your monthly appointments have been used up, whichever comes first. Unused appointments do not roll over into the next month.
The only exceptions are single events, sessional programs and OnRamp where these are single payments, non-recurring.
Changes to your monthly membership
Any and all changes to your Group Training or Personal Training membership (increases or decreases) can be applied to the next billing cycle.
If you are requesting a membership cancellation, a cancellation form must be filled out. If cancellation notice is given less than 30 days prior to the renewal date, payment is still required for the following month.
All requests must be submitted via email to
Cancellation: Membership renews on the 10th, and notice is given on the 5th via completed cancellation form. Payment will still be required on the 10th, with no payments after that.
Increase/Decrease: Membership renews on the 10th, and notice is given on the 5th. Your membership will update on the 10th.
Appointment/Class Reservations & Cancellations
Group Training Classes You must RSVP for your classes via your ZenPlanner app a minimum of 2 hours before the start time or you will be unable to book. You must cancel your reservation 2 hours prior to the class time.
- Failure to do so will result in that class being ‘used’ on your membership. If you have a 5:30am or 6:30am reservation, please cancel before 8pm the night before so we can plan accordingly for the morning class, or, if someone is on the waitlist they get ample notice they now have a reservation.
Group Classes are not run with one person reserved. We will do everything we can do to accommodate, however, the member reserved will be asked if they can reschedule/attend another class in lieu of.
Group Training Drop Ins
Group Training Drop In reservation must be sent via email to
with as much notice as possible (2 hours minimum) to ensure we receive your request; drop ins cannot be booked on your ZenPlanner app.
Failure to attend your Drop In Class and/or failure to notify us a minimum of 2 hours prior
to the class start time via email will result in the full drop in rate being charged to your account.
Virtual Classes/Appointments
On-Going Classes will have the Zoom link posted in the Degree Members Facebook group, as well as within the ZenPlanner app at all times. Personal Training appointments will be sent their Zoom link from their Coach prior to their appointment start time.
Personal Training & Nutrition Appointments
Appointments must be pre-scheduled between you and your Coach.
- This includes in person and online video training appointments.
You must give a minimum of 2 hours notice of appointment cancellation and/or reschedule.
Failure to do so will result in your appointment being marked as ‘used’ and unable to be rebooked. Nutrition Appointments will be charged the full appointment amount.
- For example, your appointment is for 11am and you email your Coach at 10:30am that you can’t make it. This appointment is honoured and cannot be rescheduled. If you are ever in doubt or unsure, please email/call your Coach as early as possible before your scheduled appointment to create a new plan!
Stat Holidays
The gym is closed for virtual/in person services for all Stat Holidays. Specialty Programs may or may not be moved to an alternate day, depending on the nature of the program.
**We do not acknowledge nor respond to messages on Facebook Messenger or in our Private group. Email is the preferred method of communication to maintain client confidentiality, organization, and ensure a response in a timely manner.
All memberships and private training programs must be paid in advance and in full. All memberships and payment will be on auto-renew and auto-payment unless you have specifically arranged with us to change that. Failure to attend class does not relieve you of the obligation to pay for your membership. Memberships begin on the date you sign up.
1. If you fail to pay your membership fee (ie, your credit card processing fails), it is your responsibility to bring us an alternative payment method within 7 days. Failing to do this will result in your membership being cancelled. You will not be permitted to attend class if you have not paid your membership.
2. All Specialty Programs, including 4-6 week programs, have a firm start and end date. These programs must be paid in advance and in full before the program begins. A person may still register for the program at its original price 7 days after the program starts if they happened to miss the first class, knowing fully that they do not get a discount for the missed class. After 7 days, the drop in rate will apply.
3. All current membership/class/appointment rates have a 4%increase per year.
4. Memberships are the sole responsibility of the individual who registers. Memberships cannot be transferred over to another individual
5. Accepted payment options: EFT (direct withdrawal), Visa, Visa/Debit, Mastercard (no cash or e-transfers)
Degree Fitness Seaforth does not refund memberships. We are not a big company gym that will nickel and dime you about cancellations, however we want to ensure you have every possibility in continuing on with our program. If a member fails to use a discount code for a specialty program, it is up to the client to notify the Admin Assistant. We do not give refunds, therefore, it will be reallocated to another service within Degree.
Checking in & Gym Attire
Come in the front door, take off your outdoor shoes, put on your gym shoes.
If there is a class in progress, take a seat in the lounge and wait until that class has cleared the floor. Please do not start warming up until you have been allowed on the floor by the coach. We warm up as a group at Degree. All members will wear appropriate bottoms and tops while working out. Working out shirtless or in sports bras is not permitted due to sanitary reasons as ensuring the most comfortable atmosphere for all members.
Depending on the workout, working out without shoes may be permitted, but will be up to the Coach's discretion (ie. if safety is a concern).
Children in The Gym
For the safety of your children, we don’t allow kids to come to the gym during class/appointment times. Some days we’re throwing barbells, swinging kettlebells and picking up some heavy things. This type of environment is not kid friendly, and we don’t want anything unfortunate to happen to them.
**Exceptions include the Youth/Kids Programs or any other program that explicitly says that children are allowed.
You may park in the Everspring parking lot that is closest to the Degree Fitness building.
Lost and Found
Items that are left at the gym will be kept behind the desk. If these items are not picked up for a period longer than 2 weeks, they will be kindly donated.
Late Policy
Group Training/Specialty Programs We cannot allow members to join a class more than 10 minutes late. If you are more than 10 minutes late you will be asked to attend the next scheduled class or rebook. If this is the first time this has happened we can swap your class. If this happens often we cannot reschedule your classes for you and it will be marked as ‘used’.
This policy is meant to ensure that classes run on schedule and in a safe manner. We value your safety as well as our members and coaches' time, and we ask that all of our members respect this policy and make every effort to arrive on time. If a member is consistently late to class and it appears they are abusing the late policy, the member will be asked to attend the next available class of the day.
Personal Training/Nutrition Appointments
If a client is late for their personal training/nutrition appointment, it is at the Coaches discretion whether the client will be able to complete the entire 30 or 60 minute session. This is dependent on if there are other appointments scheduled after. The client may be asked to come at another time that day, or, rescheduled. Please see the “Appointment/Class Reservations & Cancellations” above.
If a client is chronically late to their appointments, the Coach will work with the client to find a time that works better for both parties. Your time is important!
Attending classes, events, appointments or any program offered by Degree while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is strictly prohibited.
This policy is for your safety, to maintain a safe environment for Staff, Members, and visitors alike. Members found attending classes while under the influence will be asked to leave immediately. If it happens repeatedly membership access will be revoked.
If you are struggling with alcohol and or drugs, please contact your healthcare provider for additional support.
We never make guarantees or warranties of any kind. Your progress is controlled 100% by your actions. Results are not guaranteed, they are earned.
Degree Fitness Seaforth is a safe, friendly and supportive environment. Derogatory slang, being mean, or in any other manner disrespecting the Members, Staff or Company will not be tolerated. At Degree, we do not pass judgement on sexual orientation, religious beliefs, political beliefs, body shape/size, ethnicity or skin colour. Failure to be a nice person to your fellow gym-family will result in immediate cancellation of your membership.
We are a Family at Degree. We support each other and build each other up!