Check out Kathy's journey at Degree!
Kathy Meier
Kathy has made so many amazing shifts in her health and fitness since walking through the doors at Degree. She had some initial hesitation at the beginning, where a deep desire to start to feel better has allowed Kathy to stay consistent with her training appointments, and see measurable gains in strength, stamina, endurance, and overall fitness and health level!
No matter how long of a day Kathy has had, she always makes time for the gym. We love seeing her bright smile, and she's always up for a challenge.
Keep shining bright, Kathy, we are so proud of you!
- Degree Team
Check out what Kathy had to say about Degree:
What brought you to Degree in the first place?
Since having a double lung transplant in 2010 I've had numerous uphill challenges, despite getting a new lease on life, you literally trade in your old life without knowing what the new one is going to be like (or if there even was going to be one)! Don't get me wrong, I will be forever thankful, grateful and blessed to have been given the gift of life, to be given 13 more years with my husband and family leaves me speechless some days, however, antirejection meds are incredibly defeating to the body (yet necessary)! Some of my biggest challenges include 150lbs weight gain over the years without much success of loosing, aching joints and deteriorating muscle mass. I have shed many a tear over the years, fully aware that by not being active and motivated I was no longer living my 'new life' and that the only one that could make it better was ME, yet that inner voice would continuously tell me it was going to be too hard and I'm too heavy to be able to regain any sort of mobility. I admit, it did take a bit of intervention and I will be forever grateful to the fellow member for getting the ball rolling!
What was your first impression? How has that changed?
When I got the call from Kelly, inviting me to come in for the free No Sweat Intro chat, honestly, my first thought was Holy S#*!, I can't believe fellow member reached out, and it then quickly turned to sheer panic and fear, BUT after meeting Kelly I knew I had to give it a chance! I was clear about my lack of abilities and that I was literally starting at ground zero, feeling very defeated and scared, yet she was not one bit deterred. I left there feeling less fearful.... even a little hopeful!
I was paired up with coach MJ, who from day 1 has been mindful of my limitations and modifies my sessions based on my 'aliment of the day'. Just recently she challenged me with a workout from the beginning of my journey and it was clear to me that the quality of movements were much more controlled and I even volunteered to do an additional round (I wasn't able to finish the session when I first began).
What was your first “bright spot”?
My first bright spot for quite some time, was only that I showed up! I thought it to be such a pathetic 'bright spot' however, 40+ sessions later, it all makes sense now! It truly was a bright spot in that moment and now when I think of a bright spot, its knowing that I am slowly overcoming that inner voice, learning what my body can and can't do and accept that this is the body that my new life comes with so it's time to embrace it and not give up!
What are you working on now?
MJ continues to push me out of my comfort zone (yes, I'm a whiner) but at my own pace which is appreciated. I can still talk myself out of moving forward so I am happy that she's is able to push me! My workouts are not hardcore by any means but they allow me to move within my abilities while still feeling muscles being worked that haven't in years! Slow and steady is how my journey will continue, with the help of MJ!
What is your advice for someone who is thinking about starting a fitness or nutrition program?
I will be forever grateful to H.P. for making a call on my behalf! The hardest part for me was to believe in myself, accept the past and aim to change my future! My love/hate relationship with exercise and lack of patience will forever continue, however, if you are someone that struggles with your inner voice and just don't know where or how to start....Degree Fitness is your beginning! The coaches are incredibility supportive, help you set goals and truly care about your well being!
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