Member of the month

Criag's Journey

Craig Perkes


Meet Craig - Our member of the Month!

Have you guys met Craig? He is one of our hard working personal training clients. He meets with his Coach, James, twice a week and crushes it each time. These guys work hard, but have a ton of fun together, too! Check out Craig's story below, and learn how you can hit your fitness goals as well!

What brought you to Degree?

Degree was recommended by my Mom and brother who were already members.

What was your first impression? How has it changed?

My first impression was "OK, this is not as bad as I thought it would be!" Then, over time I have really enjoyed the sessions - especially getting to my one rep max in different lifts!

What was your first bright spot?

When I managed to beat my brother, Stu's, one rep max bench press!

What are you working on now?

I'm trying to be more healthy than before; I've increased my vegetables and fruit at lunch and snacks. I am going to try to beat my one rep max deadlift. Unfortunately, I've recently hurt my ankle, so will be back to beating my one rep max deadlift - and Stu's!

What is your favourite Degree memory?

I enjoyed the party at the winery and really enjoyed baseball in the summer with the team at CrossFit... even the "old guys". 

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