Member of the month

Check out Jay's amazing start at Degree!

Jay Wood


Jay comes into the gym ready to try new things and have a great time doing it. He's always quick with a joke and a smile! We can't wait to keep seeing him get stronger and continue crushing his goals!

- Degree Team

What brought you to Degree in the first place?

Group training seemed like the best option for me after my On Ramp program. I certainly valued the one-on-one training, Loni is amazing! I feel like the On Ramp program gave me a really good foundation that I was able to break away from that and learn in a group setting. I love it, there are some things I'd like to PT [personal training] but I love my group classes!

What was your first impression? How has that changed?

One of my first classes was a deadlift day. I'll be honest, I was a little intimidated at first by any barbell exercise. The workout we were doing included deadlifts and sit ups, or at least those were my variation for a similar movement in that work out. I was in a square between Dylan and Larissa. I thought holy cow, these two have super powers, I'll never be able to lift anything like that. It was a little nerve wracking doing floor exercises while they were dropping barbells on either side of me! Now I love barbell work! It's my fave. Can't wait for barbell club to start! I bet one day I might even be able to lift as much as Dylan! Maybe more! Get out those fractional plates! 

What was your first "bright spot"?

I would say my first bright spot was coming in for my No Sweat Intro and meeting Jackie! We talked about what brought me here, what I wanted to achieve and everything else in between! She was very thorough, laid out all the options. She's a very easy person to talk to, very warm, kind and supportive! 

What are you working on now?

Right now just trying to get back into routine. Coming to class, sticking to my nutrition plan. I started journaling at the beginning of this year. Just to log events, memories, my day to day, goals, etc. I find it helps my memory retention and allows me to hold myself accountable to the goals I set. Plus I feel fancy cursive writing in a lined book, I've nearly filled my first one. Got knocked back a bit last month with life stuff but slowly getting back into it and enjoying the journey forward. 

What is your advice for someone who is thinking of starting at Degree?

Just go for it. Try it out. If you want to be more healthy, get stronger, find community, this is a great option. Degree has an amazing team that can help you every step of the way with your strength and wellness goals! Whether here or somewhere else, if you're considering a nutrition or fitness plan to enrich your life just jump right in!

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