Member of the month

Susie Lubbers Story

Susie Lubbers


“After being quite sick for a year I was feeling better and we went on a family holiday.  Everyone was biking and I was consistently getting winded long before everyone else was.  I realized that I must increase my endurance and decided to join CrossFit.

I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep up with what was expected of me. The first workout I did wore me out a lot, but before long I could do workouts and feel energized rather than drained

I never thought I would be able to lift heavy weights, do sit-ups, push-ups but I can!!!

We are focusing on working on jogging and weightlifting goals.

Kelly is amazing!  She always makes it fun and is so encouraging.  I think I always feel really proud of myself when I can do a workout better then I did before.  So those are definitely the bright spots.”

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