Written By: Coach Kelly
I’m sure you’ve heard this before, or heck, even said it yourself!
“We’ll start eating better when things slow down.”
“I’ll join the gym when things get back to normal.”
“Once I’ve got my life in order I’ll get started!”
“I’ll get back at it tomorrow.”
Do you see the pattern here? Can you hear yourself saying that or hear someone you know saying that to you?
This is not to discredit that lives aren’t busy, or hectic, and sometimes things very well do come up!
However, when these statements become a chronic answer, and you are not getting closer to where you want to be with our health and fitness, this is where we can improve!
Here is what we recommend to our clients and members who are busy, and worried about keeping up with their program or appointments:
Write out your entire week and plan for it
Fill it out with your appointments, family time, whatever responsibilities you have.
Fill out the free time you have. These are pockets within the morning, afternoon or evening where there is 15 – 30 minutes of space. (if you’re scrolling on social media, this is free time ;) )
Enter in your class, appointment, or your exercise at these times!
When we are bombarded with a whole bunch of new plans or responsibilities, our brain almost does a flip flop, and we don’t know what to do. Generally, we start to drop the things that are the easiest to do so, but end up having the most negative effect.
By slowing down before you make any decisions, take a thorough look at your schedule, and reevaluate your goals and desires to be healthy.
Here are 3 different options we offer at Degree that can fit almost any busy lifestyle (we have Doctors, First Responders, and Mom’s and Dad’s that utilize one or more of the services below)
- These classes run on a set schedule for 30 – 60 minutes. Multiple time slots during the day.
- These appointments are booked when it fits your schedule. If that’s 5am with your trainer, or 7pm with your trainer, we will work with you to make it work for you!
- Your program is delivered right to your own personal app on your phone. Do your workouts anytime, anywhere with regular check-ins with your Coach!
Are you ready to make the commitment to a healthier, happier you? The Coaches at Degree are here to help! For more information and to book your Free No Sweat Intro
Click Here
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