Written By: Coach Kelly
Did you know, on average, most people will cancel or leave their gym 3 months after they’ve signed up? From my experience as a Coach in the fitness and health industry, education and continuing education, we know for a fact that 3 months is only the beginning.
At 3 months you are only starting to see changes.
You’re only starting to actually feel stronger and faster. The positive things you’ve been doing are only starting to show – you must keep going!
Generally speaking, the 3 month point is extremely important.
At this point, you’ve been (hopefully) committed to the process, hitting up your classes, 1-1 training, or getting your online workouts done consistently. You’ve hopefully been following your Coaches advice on eating well, sleeping and managing stress.
At 3 months, this is where people start to finally notice the fruits of their hard work! Increase in muscle mass, clothes may be fitting better, they have more energy, they may just be happier. There’s a ton of ways to measure progress.
Our bodies take time to change and adapt. It doesn’t happen overnight, and, contrary to what magazine covers will tell you, losing 20lbs in 7 days is highly unsustainable.
At Degree, we meet with our clients every 2 – 3 months to check in on these very things. We consider, and talk about how life is going (stress levels, sleep, happiness?), we talk about nutrition (emotional eating, doing OK?) and we talk about workouts in general (feeling stronger? Anything nagging?) These conversations help us help you, and make sure you’re giving your body what it needs, have someone to simply talk to, and, we can help give you goals or ideas to keep improving in whatever capacity is important to you!
3 months is the absolute minimum we recommend for anyone starting a fitness or coaching program.
These 3 months must have solid effort that you can be consistent with (don’t sign up for 20X/month if you’re only able to make it 8X!), take your Coaches recommendations and act on them, and, reach out for help if you feel things are slipping!
Decide; Commit; and see the progress you want!
Are you ready to make the commitment to a healthier, happier you? The Coaches at Degree are here to help! For more information and to book your Free No Sweat Intro
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