Written By: Mairead, Registered Dietitian
If you're looking for a dietitian to tell you how many burpees you need to do to burn off each mini chocolate bar, you've come to the wrong place. At Degree we believe that burpees are good for you, but we don't need to use them to make up for anything you eat. Check out our tips to take the guilt out of Halloween treats this year, and have a healthy relationship with food all year round!
1. Eat regular balanced meals! Arguably the least exciting of all the healthy eating tips, but one that can make a BIG difference. On Halloween, there will likely be treats everywhere, all day. While this isn't a bad thing on it's own, you'll be more likely to overeat them if you're going a long time between meals and snacks. For each meal and snack, try to include a protein source for satiety and more stable blood sugars, and vegetables or fruit for extra fibre. These balaned meals and sncaks will helps reduce any blood sugar crashed from trying to get through the day on treats alone! You'll probably make choices that better fit with your goals, and you won't feel that "sugar hangover" as much the next day.
2. Focus on the treats you really like! We all have Halloween treats that we love, and ones we could take or leave. You're more likely to enjoy the treats you do eat if they're ones you love. Instead of worrying about how much candy you "can" have, try to focus on seeking out the ones you love, and enjoy them mindfull (which brings us to #3!).
3. Eat your treats mindfully! Mindful eating is the habit of slowing down when you're eating, focusing on the food in front of you, and paying attention to it's tastes and textures. If we're eating Halloween treats mindlessly all day, we're likely to not feel satisfied and end up with a stomachache. If we're able to take the time to practice mindful eating away from distractions (including your phone, the TV or work tasks), we're more likely to be satisfied with a smaller amount and feel better in the long run.
4. Take the guilt out of treats all year round! We may not be able to make this happen before Halloween but it will build the foundation for a better relationship with food. When we heavily restrict certain foods, we're more likey to feel "out of control" when they are available, like with Halloween treats. Does this mean we should live on chocolate bars? Of course not! But maybe we can start to include some of those treat foods we feel guilty about as part of a balanced diet, and we will feel less anxious and out-of-control on special occasions.
Looking for more common-sense nutrition advice year-round? Let's chat! Email mairead@degreefitnessseaforth.com to learn more about our Nutrition Programs, or click here to book your FREE Bite-Sized Nutrition Chat!
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