Written By: Coach MJ
Recently while doing a course recertification, one of the questions dealing with nutrition was "what is the most important part of The Hierarchy of Nutritional Practice?"
The answer: Consistency!
The Hierarchy of Nutritional Practice is built on a pyramid of practices to help you reach your goals. Your pyramid is built with the skills that you need to work on first at the bottom, building the steps up to the skill at the tip that is going to have a lower effect but still a part of the equation of reaching your goals. It can be set up for you as an individual to make it work best for you. It is a great way to break down your goals into smaller sections allowing you to focus on one area and improving that skill before moving to the next.
Your fitness goals can be broken down in a similar pyramid, filling in the most important parts to the lesser for your specific goals.Your Coach can help you fill this out and find skills that are tied into you goals, broken down into realistic ways to reach them. As with any goal setting, these are flexible and cam change as needed. Look at it this way: if your goal is to run a marathon and you have never ran much, you're not going to just sign up and run one! You would break down your goals into smaller ones and build until you have the abilities in place to run that longer distance.
But in any pyramid the most important part is being consistent!
Developing our skills in health and fitness can take time and the results may not come as fast as we want. And remember: most of us didn't get to the place we are at overnight either. Life happens, we get busy and put ourselves on the back burner and suddenly it seems to hit: how did we get there!
When we practice consistency, all the skills and practices at the base of the pyramid will give us a stronger base to work toward attaining our goals. So when life becomes overwhelming, instead of focusing on everything we should be doing, focusing on one or two areas that work best for the time will keep us in a better routine and help us not give up entirely. Building healthy habits takes time and practice - it doesn’t have to be perfect but when we have a solid base to work off, it helps to stay on course or get back on track as needed.
A Personal Training Coach is there to help you stay consistent in working towards your goals through our training sessions and regular check in meetings to see how you are doing, celebrate bright spots and adjust our goals as you need.
For more information to get started on you fitness journey and set up a Free No Sweat Intro to chat about Personal Training contact me at maryjane@degreefitnessseaforth.com!
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