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Staying Active As We Age!

Apr 24, 2024

Written By: Coach Kelly

In this blog we'll touch on why it's important to stay active as we move through all stages and ages of life, and how you CAN do it!

The thing with fitness is, it doesn't actually need to be as complicated as the media makes it seem. Also, we need to remember that it is OK, and normal, for our exercise to change and shift as we move through life.

At our 
Wellness Coaching Classes, the focus is creating a small group environment that offers support, certified coaching, and movements that are tailored to each individuals' unique needs and wants from their program.

This means that movements are designed to help you not only get a great workout in the gym, but also make sure that you can continue to thrive throughout your entire life, not just the first 50 years.

There are a thousand reasons to stay active. If we name a few....
- Decreased risk of chronic or acute disease and illness (ie. diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular challenges)
- Decreased risk of falling, which drastically decreases your risk of chronic or acute injury if this were to happen
- Improved mood
- Increased socialization
- The ability to stay independent at home and in the community (ie. self care, cleaning the home, tidying the yard, taking care of grandbabies, etc.)

The next question is, how do we fit it all in? How can we make it work?

A big roadblock to starting or staying active as we age tends to be physical barriers (ie. arthritis, joint replacement) or simply that are harder so we avoid doing them all together.

The easiest, fastest and most effective way to get the benefits above, and make it fit is to check out the Wellness Coaching Program.

Your classes are created for you, and tailored to you.
Your Coach will check in with you regularly, and we consult with any health care providers you may be working with as needed to ensure we are providing a safe space for you.

The best part? You just have to show up!



Join us at our FREE 'try it' class on Wednesday, May 1 from 930-1030am to try a class out!
This is a perfect opportunity to see the space, meet your Coach, and see the benefits of the program first hand. 

To register email or call/text 519-441-7492

17 May, 2024
Written By: Coach Kelly When it comes to our fitness and nutrition routines, there are a few resources we need to consider that we either have a lot of, some of, or minimal of. These are: Time Money Environment Support Skills Together, these 5 resources give us the framework for what style of fitness is going to fit us best, what our schedule may look like, and our overall enjoyment of the program - this equates to PROGRESS and CONSISTENCY! Skills We aren't talking about how good your dance moves are, or if you can cook a 5 course meal with your hands behind your back. We mean the simple tools that we often have to learn through practice to help us do the things we want! Have you ever heard the phrase "I'll start going to the gym when I know what I'm doing." Or, "I'll test out that new recipe when I figure out how to work my oven." If we wait for the skills to magically show up, we'll be waiting forever! Take the time to learn the technique, whether that's how to cook your veggies to perfection or, how to squat without knee pain. This is how you can help move your fitness and health dial ahead, and not get stuck. We all start somewhere! If you're looking to get started, we are here to help you develop the skills to feel your best CLICK HERE to book your FREE No Sweat Intro and learn how!
15 May, 2024
Written By: Mairead, Registered Dietitian The Victoria Day long weekend is usually considered the kick-off of summer! Many of us will be enjoying BBQs, campfires, or maybe the first weekend at the cottage or trailer. With so many fun activities, it can be hard to prioritize your fitness goals while enjoying yourself. Never fear - we've got tips for you! Keep these strategies in mind; they'll help you balance eating well with eating your favourite foods all summer long! 1. Balance your plate! This is one of the simplest strategies to help you watch your portions, while also making sure you include protein, veggies, and fruit at your meals. Try to make half of your plate vegetables and fruit (salads, cut up fruit, veggies with dip, grilled vegetables or fruit, etc.), a quarter of your plate a protein food (meat, beans, plant-based proteins, poultry, or fish) and the last quarter of your plate carbs (bun, potatoes, pasta salad, etc.). This is especially helpful if you know there's going to be lots of "treat" meals over the course of a few days, and gives you room to enjoy your favourite foods. 2. Stay hydrated! As the weather warms up, we're going to be losing more fluid through sweat, which means we need to be be on top of our hydration! Aim to drink at least 8 cups of water daily, and consider making sure you're getting even more if you know you're sweating a lot. Those who are exercising (this includes yard work) in the heat and sweating a lot might want to consider including electrolytes as well! 3. Watch your alcohol intake! It's no surprise that alcohol isn't good for us. Alcoholic drinks can quickly add a lot of extra calories, and possible sugar depending on your drink of choice. The alcohol itself can cause us to be more dehydrated and lead to worse recovery after workouts or training. Try to drink in moderation by choosing water between each drink. If you know you have an important workout or training session the next day, consider holding off on drinking so you can take it on feeling your best. 4. Enjoy your favourite treats! All of the local ice cream places are opening up! If you have a favourite treat you only get to enjoy during certain seasons, make sure you take time to have some and enjoy yourself - and let go of the guilt around it! Choose something you really enjoy and eat it in amounts that are satisfying. If it only comes in a size you know you won't feel good after eating, consider splitting it with a friend. We're not aiming for perfect healthy eating around here, we're aiming for a balance of foods that fuel your body and foods that fuel your heart. Looking for more personalized nutrition help? Let's chat! Email for more info about our Nutrition Programs, or CLICK HERE to book your FREE Bite-Sized Nutrition Chat!
13 May, 2024
Written By: Coach Kelly When it comes to our fitness and nutrition routines, there are a few resources we need to consider that we either have a lot of, some of, or minimal of. These are: Time Money Environment Support Skills Together, these 5 resources give us the framework for what style of fitness is going to fit us best, what our schedule may look like, and our overall enjoyment of the program - this equates to PROGRESS and CONSISTENCY! Support Starting and maintaining a fitness routine or nutrition habits is hard enough on our own, and that's even with good support at home and within our friends. Ensuring that you have the support you need from somewhere is so, so important for long term success. Not everyone is going to understand why you wake up at 5am to workout before the day starts, and not everyone is going to understand why you perhaps look at nutrition a little differently, and that's OK! The important thing is to find those that do, and support you to do this! This could be: FriendsF or amily Your Fitness or Nutrition Coach(es) Your Gym Family Having those people, or groups, to fall on when things get tough; when you want to quit and throw in the towel, they will help you to work through the challenges and stay the course! At Degree, you get a whole Team of fitness and nutrition coaches to help guide you the entire way, plus a crew of members who want nothing more than for you to be successful and feel your best! To find your support, and discover the difference at Degree CLICK HERE to book your FREE No Sweat Intro and learn the best plan for you! 
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