Written by: Coach MJ
How many people have struggled with body image throughout their lives?
And it's not just one gender that struggles with this issue.
Even before social media, body image has been a big topic and affects how we look at ourselves and to be honest, how we sometimes look at people around us.
How often have you said or heard someone making a negative comment about themselves or others? When you receive a compliment how many times have you countered back with a negative response instead of graciously saying thank you? How often does a comment no matter how far from the past cloud your judgement on the way we see ourselves?
It takes work to accept where we are both at mentally and physically but it is a place we can reach if we take the time to learn to honor ourselves where we are today. We are constantly changing throughout our lives and may not always be where we want. Past events, stresses, illness, medications, lifestyles we choose, family history or genetics and age all factor into how the body functions in each stage of life.
Here are a few ways to help improve our own body image:
Change the way we talk about yourself. Start the day with stating a positive thing that you like about yourself, "I like or love my eyes, smile" ” I said I was going to do something yesterday and I did it!” Maybe it was getting out for a walk, getting enough water to drink, any goal no matter how small it may seem but was a win.
Write them down and see how many positives there are. When we start the positive self talk and begin to throw out the negatives it can be amazing the switch that changes in our brains.
Give a genuine comment to someone else. It doesn’t have to be big as long as it is honest. Looking at the positives in others may help us see it in ourselves when someone says it to us.
Don't let others pull you down with their opinions.
It's okay to acknowledge their opinion if needed but leave it there, it is their opinion not yours. I was told to say this out loud or in my head to help deal with naysayers. "That's an interesting point of view. But that's not my point of view!" Change to the word ‘opinion’ for ‘point of view’ if that works better and see if that helps reduce the affects the words have.
This takes practice to make a habit but over time it is interesting to see how others' opinions aren't as hurtful or matter as much as they once were.
Another way to work on improving our body image is to give ourselves grace. If we are looking to change anything it takes time. So if we set a goal and we don't reach it on the timeline set, reevaluate. Ask yourself is this goal realistic for the time you set? How far did we get into the goal? What worked and what didn't. Goals are just that, a starting point or direction to work toward.
Along with grace comes the skill of learning not to get upset when we miss a workout, fall off your meal plan or the path to our goal. It's okay, we are not perfect and do your best to reset and move forward. A good way to look at it is the 80/20 plan…aim for 80 % of staying on track towards our goal or plan and 20% leeway for the rest. This can free up the guilt of feeling of failure when something comes up in life and not feel like we have to miss.
At Degree Fitness we work with all levels of fitness and abilities. Every person is unique to themselves and one of our goals is to help them be the best they can be where they are at now!
At the end of each group class or Personal Training session we ask for a Bright Spot. Often we focus on what we think wasn’t great in our workout or our day, this is our little reminder to each client that there is always a silver lining even if it is as simple as you showed up!
We also encourage regular check in meetings with your coaches to help you not only set goals but check in how life is going and if there is anything we can help you with!
To find out more that Degree Fitness Seaforth has to offer give a shout to
info@degreefitnessseaforth.com or click here to set up a Free No Sweat Intro meeting with one of our Staff!
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