Written By: Registered Dietitian Mairead
As adults, we have to decide what to eat, all day every day. Whether you're cooking at home entirely from scratch, relying on convenience foods, getting take out, or even getting meal kit deliveries, you still have to decide what to eat and when. It can get exhausting!
Having a plan ahead of time can cut down on stress and decision fatigue when it comes to deciding what to eat again.
Whether you're looking to improve your health, cook more at home, cut down on your food budget or food waste, or just not have to think about food so much, having even a little bit of a plan can help.
Check out the tips below to get started with meal planning, without feeling completely overwhelmed!
1. Choose foods you actually like!
This might sound obvious, but planning for meals or foods you don't actually like will not make for an enjoyable meal. When planning food ahead of time, choose options you know you will actually look forward to.
2. Plan in the way that actually fits your life!
Do you know that planning all your meals ahead of time will actually cause you more stress instead of decreasing it? Awesome, let's not do that then! Maybe you plan your dinners one or two days ahead of time instead. Maybe planning specific meals for specific days doesn't sound appealing to you, but having a few ideas handy would give you options to choose from.
The goal isn't necessarily to plan everything out - it's to have a bit of a plan ahead of time, instead of having to make decisions right when you want to be eating.
3. Plan around your schedule!
When planning meals, think ahead to what the next few days or the week looks like. Are there nights you know you'll be busy? Those are the days you might need to plan for really easy and quick meals. More time on Saturday? That might be the day to plan for something more complicated.
4. Focus on your biggest challenges!
Instead of trying to start planning all meals all the time, focus on the areas you actually struggle the most with. Never know what to make for lunch? Plan for that. Never planning for or packing snacks for work but always need them? Let's plan around those. Looking to bump up your veggies or fibre? Plan with that specific goal in mind instead of just hoping it magically happens.
5. Be realistic in your plan.
If right now you usually buy your lunch out most days of the week, planning to make and pack your lunch every single day is probably too big of a change. Aim low and build confidence. Start with packing your lunch once or twice a week to get used to the habit, and increase as it gets easier.
How do you plan your meals and then work that plan? Post your meal planning wins on social media and tag Degree Fitness Seaforth so we can celebrate with you!
Looking for more meal planning or nutrition help? Our dietitian is not currently taking on clients for on-going nutrition coaching or nutrition consultations, but we do have a waitlist if you want to have dibs on the first open appointments in the fall! Email mairead@degreefitnessseaforth.com to save your spot today!
Looking for more help with cravings? Check out our Conquer Your Cravings e-book for real-life strategies to help you make healthy habit changes and build a better relationship with food! Click here to get yours today!