Written By: Coach Kelly
Get moving. We mean it - get moving!
Walking, hiking, dancing, gardening, playing, working out, ,Yoga - just get moving!
I like to use the car analogy, If you park a car for years and never maintain it, what happens? It rusts, seizes up. We're really not that different.
Movement is an outlet for stress. The problem arises where mainstream fitness tells us that your movement has to be crazy, high intensity all the time to get results.
Well, what if I'm already stress to the max? My body and mind won't be able to handle that kind of training for the long run.
You'll burn out, quit, move onto the next thing, and cycle through that.
Rather, find something that honors the idea of challenge, working hard, but also takes into account that not everyday needs to be a marathon.
Having a balance of lower intensity work and higher intensity work is important.
Our Group Training programs take this into account. One day will be a tougher workout, then, we'll balance that with lower intensity, and vise versa over time. This ensure that our members don't burn out, keep seeing results and keep taking care of themselves.
Our Personal Trainers do the same for their 1-1 clients. A balance of cardio, strength, higher intensity and lower intensity.
Chronic stress can make us not want to move, though. Why would we want to workout if we're exhausted? Why would I want to get up to go to the gym if I haven't slept right?
We get it. We understand (because we've been there, too!)
Get to class anyways, get to your 1-1 appointment anyways. Doing something is always better than doing nothing.
If we don't' give ourselves a chance to move, everything slows down on a mental and physical level, and we never give ourselves a break from the stressors.
This will lead to burn out, sickness, illness, injury and so many other nasty things.
Just. Keep Moving.
Try this:
Click this link
to book a FREE No Sweat Intro with one of our Coaches. They'll sit down with you, get to know you, and help you find the best program for you to hit your goals, or, manage your stress.