Written By: Coach MJ
As the year nears the end many people start looking back to reflect on how it has gone. Did you accomplish what you set out to do? Are you on track with the goals you planned? Are you happy with what you accomplished? Or did you get thrown off the track by so many different obstacles this year? Did you struggle to meet the expectations you set for yourself?
It most definitely is not a typical year and many have been dealing with uncertainty and challenges just to survive let alone reach any goals set. We can make a long list this year of why we may not have achieved what we set out to do, but more importantly how do we feel about it.
First let's define what a goal is? -- the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.
It is always a great feeling to reach a goal, we feel proud, accomplished and ready to hit the road running. Remember though, that a goal is just a plan to get somewhere, somehow and in a certain time frame. The thing to remember is that goals need to be flexible because we never really know what is around the corner.
This year is a really big example of needing to find ways around or changing the way a goal is going to look.
How we react to achieving or not reaching a goal is something to look at too. How does it make you feel when everything works out and the end is reached? Ready to celebrate and full of positivity, anything is possible! That is the easy part: what if we are thrown off track with a year like this or any other time? Are we hard on ourselves, do we give up on the goal or worse yet on life?
Goals should be flexible, sometimes we reach too high or too low and need to reset the path to get there or change the goal for now and try again later. That is the way this year has gone for many, unforeseen circumstances have thrown a wrench in many plans. How does that make you feel? Frustrated, sad, ready to give up or even angry?
As with any goals we set we don’t always reach them but do learn from them.
This year may have been a tougher year, and still is for many, but when we look at the positives and not the negatives that have happened we may be surprised at how much we did accomplish.
Maybe not the ones we set out to but others that might not have happened if we didn’t have to change our course of action.
If we remember that life is a journey and there are many roads to travel we can find the path that is working for us now and will lead us to where we are going, maybe the long way, maybe in totally different direction but be proud of what you did do this year despite all the difficulties thrown in the way. Focus on what went well and not what didn’t.
You have the choice to learn and grow with change or to sit and feel sorry. Choose wisely!
At Degree we meet with all our clients on a regular basis to chat about their goals and how they might reach them. It's not only a great place to workout but a safe place to talk to someone about possible goals and dreams. Supporting each other to get to where you want to be.