Written By: Coach Kelly
More and more studies show that the more physically active we are, the more we decrease our risk of any sickness or disease - even COVID19.
I'm not going to get too political in this blog, that's not why we're here; But, I do think it's something that should be spoken about!
If we can bypass what mainstream fitness/health wants you to think fitness is (picture any health/fitness magazine in the grocery store check out aisle). It's shown as very 'appearance' forward.
But, let's be real, fitness and health comes in all shapes and sizes.
Keeping that in mind, what if we also valued our fitness/health not just for the outward appearance, but for what's happening on a deeper level?
Every time you raise your heart rate out of its normal range, or breathe a little deeper, you exercise your lungs and heart. The stronger and healthier your lungs and heart are, the better your body will be able to pump blood and oxygen throughout. This helps your body's regular functions to do just that - function!
Your immune system, digestive system, cardiorespiratory system - it's all connected.
If I am sedentary for hours on hours each day, regardless of how my physical appearance may seem, my heart and lungs simply won't' be as strong as they could be. Therefore, my risk of sickness/disease increases.
This means if I do get sick, my body won't be able to do what it's meant to do effectively: That is, take care of YOU.
That's where regular physical activity and good nutrition come in. If we give our body what it needs to function at an optimal level, it will be able to take care of us, as we take care of it!
Here's what we recommend to our members and clients to keep it simple:
Get to class 2 - 3 times per week regularly, shucks, even once per week!
Eat food that is high in nutrients, and remember to treat yourself here and there.
Between classes or private training sessions, we recommend our clients get out for regular walks, or head over to our
YouTube channel
to do another workout at home. Or, maybe you go for a hike or a run - anything to keep moving!
Degree will continue to advocate the importance of physical activity and good nutrition - it matters, and you matter!
Let's keep moving, ya'll,
Your Degree Team