Written By: Coach Kelly
Hey Huron Perth!
As many of you have seen, we have been moved to the "
Orange" level of the Ontario Government's plan to curb COVID19.
What does this mean for you at Degree? You are kept safe, as always!
We are proud to share that we have always been going above and beyond regular health and safety guidelines.
This includes:
Minimum 10-12 feet between people working out
Each person has their own 7X7 workout space and uses their own equipment (no sharing intra-workout)
Masks are required at all times when in the facility. Masks can be taken off when exercising.
Windows are open during workouts, as well as members face away from each other while working out
Each person gets their own disinfectant spray, hand sanitizer and clean terry cloth each class to sanitize their hands and equipment
Workout spaces are mopped between classes/appointments for added protection
Small class sizes (max 8, average 6)
Members must reserve their class ahead of time, and book appointments ahead of time as well. Attendance is tracked.
Signage is placed at each entry to avoid coming if you are not feeling well, or experiencing symptoms.
Staff sign in and out each time they enter/exit the facility and stay home if they're not feeling well
We have added in the addition of Pre-Screening questions for all visitors for appointments or classes. It is a super easy Google Form that can be filed out when you arrive to your appointment.
We say it over and over again here at Degree: your health is your number one best defense against sickness and disease.
We're not talking big biceps and 6 packs, we're talking the ability for your heart and lungs to work effectively, for your bones, joints and tissues to support you and your brain health to keep you sharp.
This is all kept healthy and strong by being physically active.
If there is a will there's a way, and we are ready to help you discover yours!