Written By: James Wilbee
My CrossFit journey began December, 2015 and it has been a whirlwind of ups and downs, huge accomplishments and frustrating days, and a new career that I never would have imagined. Through it all, one thing has always remained, I can not wait until the next workout to challenge myself in a new and exciting way.
Growing up, I have always had the good fortune to be able to be active and participate in a variety of sports. Like most, it reinforced many values taught to me by my parents, those of hard work, dedication, commitment, compassion for others and teamwork. Life lessons that are so important to make us a valuable teammate but even more important to make us a valuable member of society.I had been hearing some talk about this thing called CrossFit, but really didn’t have much knowledge about what it was or what I was getting myself into. So, after a discussion with a friend that suggested I should “give it a try”, that “I would really enjoy it,” I went to a trial class offered by Kaleda.
I was hooked, and at the end of the class, signed up to become a member!
There was a huge learning curve for the first few months but it was so great coming in everyday and learning a new skill, or getting a little more efficient with ones that I had already been taught. One amazing thing that I learned was that even though CrossFit is an “individual” sport, and you are doing each workout as an individual, you are not alone! The CrossFit community in general and especially at our box at Degree, ensures that you are never alone, everyone cheers you on, everyone lifts you up when you need it and also gives you a kick in the pants if required (but in a loving,compassionate way). Just like a Team, or even more appropriately, just like a Family.
Another thing I learned is that CrossFit is a very humbling sport. What I mean by that is, no matter how in shape you think you are, no matter how strong you are, CrossFit will always find a way to challenge you! That being said, CrossFit will always have a way to prove to yourself that you are strong, that you can meet and surpass your goals and that no matter where you start, you can accomplish big things.
For me, I have always been fortunate to have good aerobic capacity but I have done very little with weight and strength training. So starting CrossFit opened my eyes to a new level of training that I had never done before. When I look back on my early days and my scores and compare them to the weights that I am able to lift now, it makes me proud to see how far I have come. However, there are still many many days that I leave the gym frustrated with myself that I didn’t lift a heavier weight, or didn’t do as many reps as I wanted to. That is what fuels my drive to keep coming back and trying it again.
One more lesson that I learned, and maybe the most important one for me, is the ability for CrossFit to be a stress relief. As a volunteer firefighter, there have been several days after we have had a bad or frustrating call, I will come to the gym and perform the workout and the stress I was feeling will fade away.
I don’t know if it is the fact that you are putting your body under stress in a different way, or if it is the fact that you can just shut your mind off from the rest of the world for an hour or if it is the sense of security and “family” you get from all the members and coaches. Maybe it is a combination of all of these, but whatever it is, it allows that stress to dissipate and makes the rest of the day much easier to deal with. My “why” for doing CrossFit remains the same, to get into better shape, try new things and test myself each and every day. What I have gained beyond that has been amazing, and such a wonderful bonus, that being strength. Strength in the traditional way, through lifting heavy weights and performing many reps. Mental strength, gained from pushing yourself to finish a long, tough workout and the ability to block out the world on a bad day and just be in the moment for an hour. And finally the Strength of the community/family. Through the good, the bad, or the ugly, that is what has been created (very deliberately) at Degree.
We are a family, a community, we all have our own unique qualities but we come together to bond, struggle, succeed, and push each other to new and unimaginable heights.
For me, that is pretty incredible and something that I am very proud to be a part of, both as a member and as a coach.
Your Coach,